Mountain Air Ranch
Minutes of the Board of Directors for July 27,2023
Call to Order:
The meeting was held in person; called to order at 5:32 pm, with the following: Dennis Bell, Jack Williams, Janet St John, Jim Buck, Jim Williams, and Riah Onstott. Chris M., MAR operations manager, and Ellen R, Membership Committee chair, were also present. Guests included: Bob L, Bill S, Tammy K, Mark R, Linda T, Trey C.
Guest Comments:
Approval of June 15, 2023 meeting minutes
Ellen requested the word “next” be inserted in the Membership Committee’s report: The next committee’s meeting is 6/17/23 and several files are ready for review. Motion to approve minutes as revised from Jim B second by Uriah O.
Discussion: None Vote: All approved.
Motions Passed Since June 15 meeting:
1. West Side Pool DeckContracts (including permitting, demo and concrete work) 7/22: Jack moved that we accept both contracts; Janet seconded.
Unanimously approved.
2. RV Meadow Site AgreementAddendum Revision 7/24 Jim B moved to approve the revised Addendum; Janet S seconded.
Approved by Jim B, Jim W,Jack, Uriah, Janet; Dennis approved at this meeting.
Unanimously approved.
Manager’s Report
· Status of Property Insurance Bid Process
· Plans for Annual Member Meeting
· Confirm date (not currently on website calendar)and location.
· Plan for review of draft slides starting inAugust.
(See attached report, download minutes below)
Membership Report – Ellen R
A membership mixer was held June 8th . The weather was beautiful. Many people were there for the SkinnyDip Picture. It was a huge turnout. The committee did a great job. MembershipCount as of 7/16/2023
· Male: 303 60.84%
· Female: 195 39.16%
· Total 498
· Full: 367 75%
· FOM: 122 25%
· Waitlist as of 7/26/23
· 17 men, from 6/21/22 to 6/17/23
· Waiting from 39 days to 400 days. Average 243days.
Luke S moved out of state.Christine H., of Jeff & Christine, joined the committee. The committee is full again. Proposed change to Membership Committee By-laws revised 05/03/22.Article V Committee Functions, Section B. Complaints, Paragraph 10 Appeals.“Any disciplinary action may be appealed in writing to the Committee by the disciplined member within the 30-day period following the member’s receipt of notification of the disciplinary action. Etc.” Change 30-day period to 10-day period.
Janet moved to approve the change from 30 days to 10 days for an appeal to the Membership Committee after any disciplinary action. Jack seconded.
Unanimously approved.
The committee’s next mixer is 8/12/23 and next meeting 8/20/23.
Treasurer’s Report
Our accountant is working on completing our 2022 tax return. We are still working on straightening out a few things in QuickBooks.
I believe several expenses shown on the June P&L should be charged against the Capital ImprovementAccount. I am not 100% comfortable with the financial reports.
My report is based on the numbers QuickBooks is showing me. My cash number is based on cash on hand lessChild Credit Account, Capital Improvement Account, Memorial Garden Account, HotTub Fund Account and Wait List Account. Those accounts are all liabilities. Hence, our cash on hand is not a good balance.
I suggest we do not incur any additional expenses and that we be diligent in watching infrastructure expense and stay within our projected budget expense amounts.
Jim W suggested putting $45K for the Memorial Garden donation into a CD.
Where do we get the additional money to cover the current overage above original projection. Jim B– if projected revenues come in, then we can move forward. But we projected$83K in assessments and we have approximately $62K. We see about $13K short fall a year; there is no way we can do anything else until we know for sure until we see the final cost of this project.
Carla -we do not have any money for the addition or goats; she would like to see us go ahead and hire the grant writer for $5-7K – deadline for gov’t grants is October for distribution in March. Carla will do a little more research and submit a motion to the Board via email.
Jack moved to approve theTreasurer’s Report; Jim W second – unanimous approval
On July 27, 2023, Jim B submitted the following revision to the Treasurer’s
As of today, we have an operating fund balance of $162,061 after subtracting the wait list funds and the Hot Tub funds. I feel much better about our current financial picture as this represents approximately 4 months of operating expense.
· Capital Improvement account has a balance of$117,126
· Memorial Garden account balance is $45,000.
· Child Credit Account balance is $40,677.
Approval of the Treasurer’sReport with this revision will be sought via email prior to the next scheduledopen Board meeting.
Old Business
Infrastructure Project Update– Jim Williams
Jim and Jack W reviewed projected vs actual costs. Chris suggested using some of the donation for theMemorial Garden (~$5,000) to improve the road to it – the Board approved.
Dennis suggested long term projection for acquiring a skidster (new or used) – Board members expressed concern about liability. Chris will put together projection.
Health Department inspection is an open item that Jack and Jim W will be confirming – they usually look for gates, security, decks, chemicals, water flow. The GC should know; Jack and JimW will check with him. When the demolition is performed, the engineer will need to review the site to see if there is anything hidden that he needs to incorporate into the plans.
Dennis – how long will it take before we slide down the hill?
Jack – the engineer said it is not an emergency; he has seen a lot of old buildings like that.
Dennis – he would like to see that we put the focus on mechanization as a priority.
Linda T. suggested covering over the upper concrete deck with stamped concrete. Jim W. mentioned that we were advised not to do that because it is difficult to match up in the future.
Uriah – regarding the stamped concrete – it may be beneficial for MAR to have their own stamp. Jack mentioned that it is very difficult to match the concrete when we need to patch in the future.
Uriah moved to approve the pool, hot tub and deck project for the total sum of $375K-$452K, recognizing that we will have to put off the Clubhouse addition and the funds earmarked for goats for the time being; Jim B seconded.
Unanimously approved
Fire Mitigation – Set SpecialBoard Meeting Date to Address Fire Mitigation
August 16th at Clubhouse at 4pm
Carla will work with Dennison agenda prep.
Technology & Wi-Fi Update& Recommendations – Uriah
Wi-Fi System:
A new security gateway has been ordered and pre-programmed. Waiting for the changeover for the week of8/7/23. Neteo has been serviced and is back up and running as a full backup. Internet has improved. Wi-Fi access points are being replaced in the following areas:
· Cedar Building AP Pro
· Courts Mesh AP
Additional access points are being added in the following areas to improve and expand network:
· Center of RV meadow
· Water Tanks
Jack asked Uriah to prepare an article for the Newsletter asking members NOT to touch access point equipment.
Phone Systems (VOIP):
Office phones have improved in stability since some work on the office network.
Pool phone is back up and running.
LTE Extenders have arrived and are being provisioned by Verizon the week of 8/7/23
Phone number has been changed and will be publicized.
Gate System:
The automatic gate system controller (not the arm/motor) has finally failed and is no longer operable.The motor is still working fine but is locked in the open position until we get a new controller. Estimate: $2,300
· I will be checking my office to see if I have something we can run temporarily.
· I was able to extract all the current cards/pins to upload into a new system.
· New system should be available by the week of 8/7/23.
· All will still be within the technology budget.
Carla expressed thanks toUriah from the Board for all his efforts to keep MAR up and running.
Uriah is preparing a proposal for an emergency medical alert system located strategically within the Ranch, informing Inter Canyon and 911.
New Business
Next Meeting: Regular Meeting– August 24, 2023 at 5:30pm
Adjournment: Motion from Jim B, 2nd by Janet S; unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm.
Manager’s Report July, 2023
· Chase Main Account balance $242,163.79
· Chase Cap Improvement balance $117,126.06
· Chase Memorial Garden balance $45,000.00
· Chase Child Credit balance $40,677.27
· (All above balances are as of 4:15pm ThursdayJuly 27 th directly out of Chase)
· AR has been taking up most of my day. (Reportavailable)
· Cap Improvement deposit checks cut (per Jack)
· $77,815.75 have not cleared; hot tub funds to bemoved to cap improvement account
· Late summer and fall staff projects:
1. Old dumpster area cleanup
2. New dumpster area fencing and gate
3. Fire mitigation around MAR buildings
4. Fire escape road maintenance to repair ruts onthe road and add reflectors/flags to mark the
1. road parameters; also need to add signs to direct people to that road.
5. Memorial Garden maintenance and upgrade – added arch and it is now overgrown (we need to weed-whack it)
· Can a waitlisted person be on the site list? –to be discussed by Board via email.
· Can we apply grounds fees to waitlisted full members, from before they were waitlisted, when they are cleared. – current credit covers ground fees incurred up to 90 days prior to membership approval; question asks whether we can apply that same amount to whenever man is moved off of waitlist – to be discussed by Board via email.
· Can Waitlisted persons volunteer? – the Board will resolve via email.
· I am off Friday July 28th and Saturday the 29th .
· Danny & Jamie B have been nominated for “AANR Western Region nomination for Family of the Year”
· Chris asked that if anyone needs her attention(other than for an emergency) to please make an appointment so she can give you her full attention.
· Insurance bid process – supplied secondary company with all information (by 7/8) but they could not get it done by the deadline; requested competitive bid for next year; will still cover D&O; auto insurance is through State Farm now.
· Date for MAR annual meeting: 9/9/23 – Carla