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Minutes of the Board of Directors for September 28, 2023

Call to Order

The meeting was held in person; called to order at 5:30 pm, with the following present: Carla Gurovich, Dennis Bell, Jack Williams, Janet St John, Jim Buck, and Riah Onstott. Chris M., MAR operations manager, and Ellen R., Membership Committee chair were also present. Guests included: Danny B and Bob L.

Guest Comments

Bob L shared that he got 1 chair completely restrapped and the other 19 completely stripped; he should have them completed by the end of October.

Approval of August 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • Motion to approve minutes from Jim B, second by Janet SJ.

Motions Passed Since August 24th Meeting

  1. On September 4, 2023, Janet SJ moved that the Board of Directors and Manager shall publish the Corporate Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Approved Board of Directors Meeting Minutes to the official Mountain Air Ranch website for access by all members, with 2 years of minutes retained on the website and previous minutes available in the office; Jim B seconded.
    • No discussion. Yes votes from Janet, Jim B, Jim W, and Jack (no responses from Riah O. and Dennis B).
  2. On September 5, 2023, Jim B moved to approve the 2022 Tax Return; Jack W seconded.
    • No discussion. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL
  3. On September 10, 2023, Jim B moved to approve the following:
    • Approve the projected cost of $32,000-$35,000 for the replacement of the east side upper concrete deck;
    • Authorize Jim B to apply for and secure a loan from AANR for $10,000 at 0% interest payable over five years with two payments per year;
    • Authorize Carla to write an additional loan commitment letter with Member for $100,000;
    • Authorize Carla to execute a loan agreement with Member for $256,000 at 3% payable over 10 years (includes $206,000 from the original commitment plus $50,000 out of the additional $100,000 commitment);
    • Approve transfer of $25,000 from the Memorial Garden Fund to the Capital Improvement Account;
    • Approve transfer of up to $20,000 from the Operating Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund, which will be transferred back when 2024 assessments are collected.
    • Jim Williams seconded.
    • No discussion. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL
  4. On September 11, 2023, Jack W. moved to approve the pool finish color called “Blue Mist”; Jim Buck seconded.
    • No discussion. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL
  5. On September 17, 2023, Jack W moved to terminate a member on confidential issues of non-payment and fraud with no future right to reapply for membership; Janet SJ seconded.
    • No discussion. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL

Manager’s Report

Manager is on vacation. However, Manager requested the Board review two items:

  • Update: D&O Insurance Renewal Approved by Carrier ($84 increase from $1,163 to $1,247).
  • Draft Volunteer Policy for review and approval sent to Board members via email. The Board determined that it would require input and consultation with Manager to complete.

Membership Report – Ellen R

The New Member Brunch was held on September 17th. The committee, a few board members, and some spouses welcomed more than 20 new members from 2022 and 2023. The delicious food prepared by Chris M. and office staff was thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone learned each other’s names and a little bit about each other. Deborah M. from the Entertainment Committee gave an introduction about the committee and sponsoring events was explained and encouraged.

Membership Count as of 9/23/2023 after our meeting:

  • Male: 298 (61.95%)
  • Female: 183 (38.05%)
  • Total: 481
    • Full: 365 (75.88%)
    • FOM: 126 (24.11%)

Waitlist as of 9/23/23: 26 men, from 6/21/22 to 9/23/23. No men have cleared the list in months. Have you decided on waitlisted men volunteering for a free visit the rest of that day?

There are 8 qualified names on the ballot for six Membership Committee positions. I’m looking forward to the election results.

Next meeting 11/28/23 or earlier if there are at least 5 complete applications to be considered before then.


  • Carla suggested scheduling the brunch at the beginning of the year.
  • Ellen – potentially creating a membership assistance fund to assist members who lose jobs, etc. Carla asked Ellen to put together a proposal to present to the Board.
  • Regarding the provision of a written Complaint Review Process, MAR’s Eviction Attorney recommended the Committee provide a copy of the process to both parties as part of the Complaint Review Process.

Treasurer’s Report (Balances as of 8/15/23)

While we have made great strides in catching glitches in QuickBooks, I remain a little uncomfortable with the numbers. Hopefully, by next month, we will be in better shape.

Update after Annual Meeting: It appears that we have secured enough donated funds and additional loan funds that we will have enough to complete the pool, hot tub, and west and east deck projects. At the present time, it appears that we will be able to service the loan payments.

I continue to suggest restraint with any non-budgeted or additional expenses.



Infrastructure Project Update – Jim Williams & Jack Williams

  • Hot Tub, Pool & Deck Update: The hot tub is 3 weeks for our queue -- 1 week to complete manufacturing and 1 week for transport. The construction crew is starting to build forms. When we tore out the old hot tub, there was a retaining wall back there of which we were not aware; consequently, we will move the hot tub about 3 feet away from the current location.
  • Jack W put forth a motion to move the hot tub vault and remove the hidden retaining wall with an estimate of $3,000 (the sides of the vault will be the new retaining wall); Jim B seconded and this was unanimously approved.
  • First pour next week, weather permitting; everything else is on schedule; we are now on the building side.
  • Carla asked Jack for updates in the interim time between Board meetings (Caleb has been taking pictures of progress).
  • The Board unanimously approved waiving the Low Season monthly payments for Jack as he continues to monitor construction.

Wildfire Planning & Mitigation Update

  • Carla provided a grants update: within Colorado, there is a $7.2M grant at the top of our list for which MAR may be eligible under the last bullet of the qualification. Otherwise, we have a short list. Don’t worry about the budget now until we see what grants we can apply for.
  • Wildfire Mitigation Plan and CSFS Forester Contact List – Jim B has put together a list of foresters provided by John White at the forest service. We can go back to John for additional assistance. We can contact people on the list to give us a bid to write a fire mitigation plan, exclusive of defensible space.

Technology & Wi-Fi Update & Recommendations – Uriah

Riah reported that everything is working well, and that he is performing weekly backups. Riah also noted that there are some issues with the gate closing after a vehicle passes through because the pressure pad under the gate appears to be deteriorating.

New Business

Annual Campsite Agreement – Use More Traditional Lease Format?

  • Make assignment(s) for drafting the agreement – Janet

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