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Minutes of the Board of Directors for May 9, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was held in person at the MAR Clubhouse and called to order at ____ pm. Carla Gurovich, Jack Williams, Jim Buck, Jim Williams, Riah Onstott, and Ronnie Thomas were present. Chris M., MAR operations manager, and Ellen R., Membership Committee Chair, were also present. Guests present: .

Guest Comments

Approval of May 9, 2024 Meeting

  • Motion by Jim B, Riah 2nd - approved

Motions Passed Since January 4th Meeting

  • April 19 Motion from (Ronnie, 2nd from Riah) to approve Jim B’s proposed budget dated 4/18/24 (all in favor via email)
  • Motion from Jim B to increase 2024 budget by $2,000 for AANR loan payment, 2nd Riah - All approved

Check to see what past minutes are on Website

Need copies from last year in office.

Director Nomination & Election

  • Resignation of Janet St. J. on 5/2/24.
  • Nominations for Member Elected Director Expiring December 2026
    • Danny Babish nominated by Riah; elected.

Manager’s Report

Report was emailed on 5/08/2024 and is pasted to the bottom of these minutes.

  • Chris - Inventory umbrella stands and work with Carla on purchase of umbrellas and stands ready for Memorial Day weekend
  • Chris and Carla - Make site holder checklist and email to site holders only by end of May
  • Carla and Danny - Test Mail Chimp capability for ballots before Survey Monkey renewal.

Membership Report – Ellen R (via email)

The Membership Committee’s last meeting was April 21, 2024. We discussed:

  • Complaint Process Guidelines update.
  • Complaint Consequences Summary.
  • The possibility of a QR code for an optional survey of the property and tour for 1st-time visitors.
  • The new calendar in the office to track follow-up invitations for applicants to get signatures.
  • A mentoring program to match visitors with existing members of similar situations. (i.e. Families with families, retirees with retirees, etc.)

Membership Count as of 4/21/24:

  • Males 294 62.7%
  • Females 175 37.3%
  • Total 469 (down 1 from last month)
    • Full 349 74.4 %
    • FOM 120 25.6%


Waitlist as of 4/21/24:

  • 29 men, dating from 6/21/22.
  • No men have cleared the list in months. Hoping the Year of Women will help this situation.
  • Looking forward to Volunteer Policy.
  • Duke M. has agreed to fill the vacancy on the committee.

Treasurer’s Report



Infrastructure Project Update – Jim Williams & Jack Williams

From Jim Williams Newsletter Article

Now that the weather is warming up, our biggest project in decades will start moving forward at a greater pace.

The new tile has been placed and caulking of the pool will begin at the first of next week (April 30th). The company who will do the plaster and final eco-finish has been notified and is scheduled to start at the end of the week. Once that process is completed, the pool can be filled and ready to go!

Throughout the winter, new equipment for the hot tub and pool was installed, and currently, electricians are completing the updated wiring for the pool. The deck has proved to be challenging. The contractor for the deck is on hold while the piers underlying the structure are corrected to meet the standards required by our engineer. Our engineer is also responsible for the inspection when the deck is completed. This part of the project and the stair design from the deck to the lower landing must be right. The time required is frustrating, but the safety of the design is the top priority. The deck will go down quickly once these items are complete.

We appreciate your patience and financial support. Look for more updates to be sent by email.

Further Update 05/09/2024

  • Engineering done for deck piers; when piers are done, the deck can be started – materials not yet purchased.
  • Once plaster and glaze are done on the pool, we can fill immediately, and the water supplier is ready and waiting.

BOD appreciates all the hard work Jack and Jim W have been doing.

There is a great risk of people moving and/or going past the warning barriers/signs – members may be at risk of losing membership privilege if continue to violate due to liability issues.

Very critical that only Jack/Jim W have single point of communications with contractors/workers.

Stairs – engineer made suggestions for and Jack is bugging him for written plans – previous bid was approx. $49k – now maybe $27k. Stairs are not an absolute requirement currently. Concrete does need to be done either way, we will wait to make a determination on the stairs until we have the numbers for final estimate. Do we need health department approval? Discussion was had re possibly holding on the stairs project until a future time to be determined for money savings.

Technology & Wi-Fi Update & Recommendations – Riah

At the 70s dance, a power surge on the property; equipment was ruined – main internet equipment fried; computers were okay – no battery backup at that time, some have been moved. $700 spent to replace some equipment. We need to order additional surge protectors. Internet working great – hacking attempt made but R changed passwords. AP mesh device suggested to members to help boost service. 2 devices ordered for Ponderosa and tent meadow. R confident in our network for summer. The alert system is postponed but will at least have one button at the pool for now for emergency (medical). We do have cell service with Verizon on the property for back-up emergency services. Panic button calls Intercanyon emergency services. Call from onsite as well as button to give services more info as they are in transport.

Status of Draft Volunteer Policy Sent via Email. (Chris to finish draft for Board Consideration)


Chris and Ellen will get to the board.Carla will send draft policy to Ellen/Chris.

New Business

Riah’s family is possibly donating ATVs for plowing – would need actual plows/could also possibly be used for fire mitigation/slash removal from hills.

Next Meeting

  • Regular Meeting – June 6 @ 5:30 – Thursday in person at MAR.
  • Business Plan special meeting – TBD


  • Motion from Jack, 2nd by Riah; unanimously approved. 6:49 pm
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